Innovation Intelligence Review #17

AI Down-Up, China CBDC, Complexity, Internet Crime, Quantum Market, SOCMINT, Essay, Funny, Idiots

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭



AI Europe Down-Up Approach, Ellis and Claire are down-up entities whose mission is to create a different European network that promotes research excellence and advances breakthroughs in AI. They were born in 2018 and the aim of both is to be able to bridge the gap that exists between Europe, on the one hand, and Asia and America on the other. The positive factor is that they are projects born from the will of European researchers in the sector to create research networks that allow competitive efficiency, including production. The negative factor is that, articulating over time, there is a risk that they will turn into the usual European ‘bandwagons’, research intelligence

China CBDC for Foreigns, how to use the government app that allows foreigners to pay in e-CNY (DC / EP) without having a Chinese bank account and with only a passport, finance intelligence by SmartShanghai,

Complexity (1), predictable unpredictability and intelligence, the succession of events, their geopolitical and geo-economic significance are common factors of historical systemic complexity. The new variable is the combination of them with the digitization of information for which unpredictability is no longer predictable. From this consideration of the Economist, the thought turns to the difficulty, and the importance, of creating intelligence scenarios in real-time with all the risks for analysts involved, intelligence for intelligence

Complexity (2) and Australia, the predictable unpredictability faced by the Australian government in a context of a national crisis scenario, crisis intelligence by The Strategist

Complexity (3), the effects of the predictable unpredictability due to the recent fall of Meta (Facebook) platforms in the countries that base the exchange of essential information on them, crisis intelligence by Web Foundation

Internet Crime 2021, Europol report, internet intelligence

Quantum Market (1), five-year and time-lime analysis on the possible developments of quantum technology in commercial and military contexts, tech intelligence by Rand

Quantum Market (2), IONQ’s mission is to allow the massive use of quantum-pc. On the site, developers can test encodings on virtual machines and the company, which among the financiers has the largest of the Big One and US government development centers, has become the first public-company in the sector at NYSE, tech intelligence

Social media (1), this study shows how in Africa digital news organizations often play a specific role: they have stepped up to combat news deserts, reporting on places and issues that were not being covered at all. By doing so, they have developed readerships in under-served areas and broadened representation and the Africa’s digital players have helped build media literacy in their communities, SOCMINT by SembraMedia and Luminate

Social Media (2), analysis on the social dynamics of extremist groups and how, as they become important, they are recognized as such and therefore limited in acting on platforms, they tend to emigrate to marginal and niche products, SOCMINT by Rand

Essay 🧐

Doja Cat (off-the-record: great R&B and beautiful woman) makes an experiment, with the help of Girls Who Code, of contamination between the video of one of his songs and the coding to change in real time some characteristics of the video: it is not necessary to know coding (no Chrome browser)

Funny 🙂

3D modeling to find the best shape for frying potatoes, by Chris Williams

Idiot’s Corner 😡

This time the idiot of the week is in my country (we have many): he’s a bishop who told to the children that Santa doesn’t exist. As if really there were what he says he believes…



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
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