Innovation Intelligence Review #31

Below The Picture The Week’s Issues

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭


The first (hand) cellphone, Motorola Dynatac 8000xa2, 1984, priced at usd 3,995

This week:

  • CBDCs Cross Interbank Platform
  • Digital Frauds: The Incredible Madbird Affair; The ‘Take The Money And Run’ start-ups;
  • Economic Warfare: The (Digital) Changed Paradigma
  • European Digital Antitrust: The Definitive Guidelines Of DMA
  • Internet: A Reasoned Vision in 2035
  • Privacy: The Model of Business of Fintech: Our Data; Harassment Filter Tools; Californian Privacy Police; Individual Protection
  • Essay: Sex Robots

CBDCs cross platform, in this period the CBDCs are also taking on media relevance and therefore it is appropriate to highlight those who steps ahead over others: this is the case of the mBridge project. mBridge is a cooperation between the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Bank of Thailand, the Digital Currency Institute of the People’s Bank of China and the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates. The project, which has passed to the third phase of development, is mainly focused on the interbank market and aims to create a platform for dialogue between CBDCs issued by different states, finance intelligence by BIS

Digital frauds (1), Madbird’s two-fold incredible fraud: the first one for the number and damage it caused, the second one because, apart from the creator’s narcissism, the fraud lacks any other purpose and gain, criminal intelligence by BBC

Digital fraud2 (2), crypto start-ups that collect money exclusively online are a case that has existed for more than ten years and those that, taking advantage of the anonymity offered by the crypto world, run away with the money are a not irrelevant amount of the whole. What is surprising, in this analysis, is that ventures and other prfessional figures also pay the bill for that: obviously they have no idea what a normal preventive corporate intelligence action is, competitve intelligence by NYT

Economic Warfare and Digitalization, the daily narrative of deciding and applying economic sanctions in wartime is revolutionizing the strategic framework of economic warfare. It is not just a question of analyzing the new use that is being made of the sanctions and, nor, just the consequences that the tactical use of new tools is bringing in the operational and theater fields. Digitization and technology for the first time are demonstrating, in the ground, how the concept of economic warfare has made a leap in quality never seen before: with it also economic intelligence.

European Digital Antitrust, agreement was reached on changes to the DMA proposal from December last year. The European Parliament and Council have released the definitive principles of what will become European legislation for digital antitrust. In the in-depth analysis proposed, the paragraph dedicated to Google’s lobbying work is interesting, competitive intelligence by Financial Times

Internet in 2035, Pew Research Center has released a forecast panel on how the internet will be configured in 2035. This is not one of the usual nonsense that you could read in the general media but the reasoned forecasts of those who, in a different way, have been working on the network for years, internet intelligence by PEW Research Center

Privacy (1) and fin app, why don’t banking fintech company charge (or are very cheap) for money transfer services? Because they sell our data, privacy intelligence by Exposing The Invisible

Privacy (2) and social network harassment, Google’s second anti-harassment tool. After Perspective, made available in 2019 to filter toxic post social media (the extension for browsers is Tune), now the dedicated unit of Google, Jigsaw, has released ‘Harassment Manager’ for now dedicated only to (woman) journalists. They are important tools because the reference AIs are not internal to the social platforms, and therefore suffer from the setting flaws of the platforms themselves, but external, privacy intelligence by Jigsaw

Privacy (3) and Californian Privacy Police, the problem of digital privacy regulations are three: the laws arrive decades late on the solutions in place (which meanwhile cause damage); the politicians (who rule) understand almost nothing of the technical possibilities for circumventing the rules (which are already old); finally, 90% of the recipients of the laws continue to do what they want undisturbed because the various national control agencies do not have the means and competences to carry out the controls. California is trying to fix the problem: it has set up an agency whose main purpose is to systematically track down those who violate the existing legislation and, importantly, it has put an operationally competent person in charge. The buget is small but the intention is good, privacy intelligence by NYT

Privacy (4) and individual protection, PIM City is a project aimed at raising awareness of companies and citizens on the protection of the individual’s privacy. Considering the project partners and the money provided by Horizon 2020 so far in practice it has done and produced very little. One of the least useful things is the list of privacy protection references of many of the major platforms we use on a daily basis, individual intelligence by PIM City



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
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