Innovation Intelligence Review #66

Autonomous Systems In Nuclear Operations, The Problems-Occupations Considered At Risk From Automation And AI, To Review The Bias…

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭


This Week:



  • Autonomous Systems In Nuclear Operations, The Problems
  • Occupations Considered At Risk From Automation And AI, To Review The Bias


  • Doubts About Alzheimer’s Studies
  • What If Alzheimer’s Was Caused By A Virus?


  • The Aberrant Position Of The ECB Towards Cryptocurrencies
  • The British Parliament’s Survey on the Cryptoeconomy

Digital Rights

  • The Methodologies of Govs Surveillance

Social Networks

  • The Strategic Problems Of Yandex, The Russian Facebook

Sociology, Gen Z Trends

  • Power To The Technocrats (For GenZ)!
  • Virtual Student Aggregators Created By Students


Essay 🧐

  • Geopolitics? What Does It Mean?
  • The Interactive Map Of The Observable Universe


The introduction of autonomous agents in nuclear weapon systems, considering the incidents that occurred when AI did not exist with regard to the functioning of the 3c chains, should lead to consider the function of ‘The Human In The Loop’ as essential and irreplaceable, innovation intelligence by War On The Rocks

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics published in July an in-depth study of the professions that various analyzes had indicated to be the most at risk of unemployment due to the combination of automation and AI. The study takes into consideration, for the different jobs, the 2008/2018 data and the 2019/2029 trends and compares everything with the 1999/2009 period. The singularity is that what the analyzes had predicted is not happening, evidently on the basis of cognitive biases of the analysts: in other words, the expulsion from the world of work is not occurring for the most at risk foreseen professions. Data, no fantasies : to read. Social intelligence by US Bureau of Labor Statistics


Cognitive decline, of which Alzheimer’s is the main cause, afflicts millions of people: it is understandable how the current absence of treatment, the progressive average aging of the population in some developed countries make research in this field a factor of fundamental socio-economic innovation. In recent days, much has been read about the umpteenth new drug presented in the US: like all its predecessors, the results are very modest and the side effects are very pervasive. In an investigation described by Science in July, doubts are reported not only on the efficacy, even minimal, of one of these drugs but, above all, how the doubts are also transferred to the studies underlying the causes of the disease, bio intelligence by Science

In Alzheimer’s research, as is often the case in the scientific community, alternative pathway of research are often opposed by those in the main drive. In this study, the point of view of those who for years, and with a thousand difficulties, have been trying to carry on the thesis of the cause of the disease deriving from the Herpes virus, bio intelligence by Big Thing


I wanted to put this comment in the ‘Idiots’ section but respect for the institution stopped me. In this ECB blog post two bureaucrats of the institute (Ulrich Bindseil and Jürgen Schaaf, who evidently have to show off in some way) say that: ‘Bitcoin is rarely used for legal transactions’, ‘The belief that space must be given to innovation at all costs stubbornly persists .’…and other amenities. They can’t even distinguish between blockchain and cryptocurrency. Pitiful, blinds, and indicative of what awaits us in Europe in terms of regulation, crypto intelligence by ECB

The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee of the English Parliament, noting that crypto legislation does not exist in the country, has launched a survey among citizens to understand what they think of the issue in order to lay the foundations for legislation. You can participate until January 6, crypto intelligence by DCMS

Digital Rights

Digital Govs surveillance methodologies are qualitatively and quantitatively different. Faced with all the existing possibilities, each different regime admits to adopting only some of them with limits of pervasiveness but the facts, up to now, have always shown that the tendency, at all latitudes, is always that of maximizing use and pervasiveness in order to then, according to the relevant public opinion, apologizing or not. Here is an annotated list of the possible technological options available to control systems, digital rights intelligence by ECNL learning center

Social Networks

The parent company of Yandex, the Russian Facebook, is based in the Netherlands and the group is not only involved in social networks but has activities in other digital sub-sectors. The current situation is creating strategic problems that the management would like to solve by transferring everything out of Russia, but it is not easy, competitive intelligence by CEPA

Sociology, Gen Z Trends

With the obvious differences between countries, it turns out that Gen Z is more inclined to give power to experts rather than politicians, reason: the results matter more than the democratic process in which politicians are seen deciding on the basis of an interpretation of reality and not based on the facts, social intelligence by American Purpose

The Study Web is a constellation of digital spaces and online communities (across YouTube, TikTok, Reddit, Discord, and Twitter) largely built by students for students. The Study Web is almost entirely part of the deep web and has communities of millions of users differentiated by country because the school systems and the policies that gravitate towards them are different. The fundamental issue is that it is a virtual place where digital school-age children find mutual support and not from adults. Here a trip to the American Study Web, social intelligence by Every



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
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Innovation Intelligence Analyst| Meditator Zombie| Hikikomori White-Haired| Digital Borderline| Has A Black Hole Under The Pillow| A Bad Product Of💜Venezia🦁