Innovation Intelligence Review #18

AI and Democracy, China and…,Cash and CBDCs, Israel and Innovation, Metaverse Fears, Post Pandemia Behaviors, Robots by Children, Smart-Contract and Law, Essay, Funny

alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭


Kristof Kintera, Nervous Trees, 2013, by Instagram

AI and democracy, what does it mean? This good paper tries to give answers to a question whose answer everyone takes for granted but is not at all, ethic intelligence by Johannes Himmelreich, Syracuse University

CBDCs and cash, because governments are in such a hurry to introduce them: ease of payments, monetary policy and smart-contracts are certainly good reasons but control is the most pressing need, cash intelligence by The Economist

China and democracy definition, a deep article, full of useful links, on the Chinese idea of democracy and its differences from the Western idea, social intelligence by Quartz

China and platform economy, in response to key issues about the development of China’s platform economy, the National School of Development at Peking University created a task force devoted to studying innovation and supervision of the platform economy in June 2021. Below is a November 18 presentation of the task force’s findings, economic intelligence by Peking University

China and innovation lexicon, the mean of ‘Heikeji 黑科技 [black technology]’ neologism in all its meanings, in short used to indicate futuristic developments and opaque innovations, any technology characterized by a novelty yet to be fully grasped, harboring both promise and threat, social intelligence by Gabriel de Seta, A New AI Lexicon

Israel and innovation, in the country of innovation and start-ups it has been known (in Italian) for years that the young people who serve as conscripts in the various cyber-units of the IDF (Israeli army) have the open gates in the private sector afterwards to be able to develop accumulated knowledge and potential. But now this is becoming a social and political problem with respect to the importance given to various roles into the IDF, innovation intelligence by The Times of Israel, Rest of World and (😄 video) Mako

Metaverse and potential dangers, in the analyzes by professionals begin to take shape the concepts about the pervasive danger of the metaverse if those who manage the pattaforms are always the same, innovation intelligence by Louis Rosemberg, Big Think,

Post Pandemia Behaviors, it may seem that post-pandemic macro behaviors are following those of past pandemics, however the technological and social assumptions are completely different, social intelligence by The Economist

Robotics and children, when children design a robot according to their own schemes, completely different from those of adults as well as completely different is the result, social intelligence by IEEE Spectrum

Smart-Contact and Law, a study by the European Commission on the relationship between smart contracts and bottlenecks for legal recognition that the current regulatory framework presents, legal tech intelligence by Thibault Schrepel

Essay 🧐

Physics tries to understand its future among the many available and not always coherent ways, by The Economist

Funny 🙂

Die Whit Me, a mobile app that is activated when the charge of the device goes below 5% and allows you to exchange the latest digital farewell messages with those in the same conditions in the rest of the world,



alessandro rossi🧟‍♂️💭
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